FDRG have module A set for D-STAR on the WDRG XLX042 Reflector

XLX042 Dashboard

We encourage the use of the N6CYP repeater 146.940 (-) operated by the Cypress Repeater Club. N6CYP is linked to Reflector 14C which is also accessible via all D-STAR capable hotspots.
REF014 Dashboard

We also have permission to use the W6CYP repeater on 446.860 (-) located at the Los Alamitos Racetrack. Please note this repeater is stand alone and not linked to any gateway.

Other local D-STAR repeaters are operated by the following groups.

The Independent Radio Club
South Orange County Amateur Radio Association
The Keller Peak D-STAR Club

The PAPA System

Click here for more information on D-STAR